Coronavirus (COVID-19) Policy & Updates
SERVICETEAM takes the safety of its staff members and customers extremely seriously.
To help prevent the risk of Covid-19 transmission, we have implemented the below measures in accordance with Government Guidance to be followed by all parties involved in a sales or lettings viewing.
SERVICETEAM staff are subject to routine monitoring and confirmed to be in good health, not displaying any symptoms of Covid-19.
We ask that you follow the guidance below to ensure a safe appointments.
What to expect prior to the visit
- No visits can take place in properties where any occupiers are self-isolating or have been advised to shield.
- We will request that, where possible, customers vacate the property during the appointments. If this is not reasonably possible, we request our customers to wait in the garden, balcony, separate room or their car while the appointment takes place.
- On the day of the appointment, please confirm to our tradesperson that you have not been in contact with anyone displaying Covid-19 symptoms and that you are not showing any symptoms yourself. We will not enter a property where symptoms are present and therefore to avoid an abortive call out, it’s important that you notify us, in advance, of a visit if you are showing symptoms.
What to expect during the visit
- Disposable gloves will be worn by staff on all appointments. Facemasks are also provided by the SERVICETEAM for our staff, who are encouraged to wear them, particularly in smaller properties where social distancing may be challenging.
- We kindly ask that all customers wear PPE.
- Please be aware that our staff will not shake hands with customers, in order to adhere to social distancing requirements.
- We ask that you endeavour to adhere to social distancing measures at all times. Where possible, try to remain at least 2 metres apart from others.
- During the visit we will try to avoid touching doors, cupboards, hard surfaces etc as much as possible to reduce the risk of Covid 19 transmission.
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Policy & Updates
We are monitoring Government health advice in relation to the spread of the coronavirus. We’ll continue to follow Government recommendations with the aim of reducing the risk of passing the virus between our customers and tradespeople.
Information updates
We’ve been sending regular updates to our workforce. They’re well informed about symptoms and general hygiene measures.
We’ve also asked staff who develop any symptoms to stay at home and avoid contact with other people.
General hygiene measures
We’ve asked all our tradespeople to follow the WHO’s standard infection control measures:
Wearing a face mask & gloves at all times in someone else’s property unless specifically authorised not to by the resident.
Frequently cleaning hands using alcohol-based hand sanitizer or soap and water
When coughing or sneezing to cover the mouth and nose with a tissue or flexed elbow, then to dispose of the tissue immediately before washing hands
Avoiding close contact with anyone who has a fever and cough
To contact NHS 111 and seek medical care early if a fever, cough or breathing difficulty occurs
Avoid touching your face, especially eyes, nose and mouth
Our Office team
We have gone above and beyond the Governments advice on self-isolation and are currently asking everyone to work from home. We have also stressed the application of hand hygiene & asked them to minimise social and unnecessary contact as much as they can
Our Vans
All of our trades vehicles and equipment are individually owned and looked after by us. Crucially our trades people always use the same van all of the time which massively reduces the risk of cross contamination.
Our trades people have heavy duty antibacterial wipes allowing them to clean tools, steering wheels & PDAs after every job.
Our trades people regularly have their vehicles cleaned by professional van cleaning companies monthly. We have increased this deep clean to fortnightly inside & out.
Our Trades People
We’re having regular briefings with everyone and we continue to uphold strict health & safety guidelines, such as not working when ill, regular hand washing & carrying hand sanitisers.
During you pre agreed arrival slot your driver will knock on your door. We’re advising them to stay 2 meters away from people & to avoid unnecessary time to chat. We know this may seem a tad aloof, and is not meant to cause offence. We just want to keep everyone safe.
Hygiene supplies
We’re providing bottles of hand sanitizer to our tradespeople and asking them to clean their hands thoroughly when they enter or leave a customer’s property.
Our trades people have masks & gloves which we are asking them to wear at all times whilst in other peoples properties (unless specifically instructed otherwise by the resident).
Our trades people have Goggles and disposable gloves. Although wearing these items hasn’t been suggested by the Government to help reduce the spread of the virus, our tradespeople will be able to do so if a customer prefers they do.
Customer health information
We kindly ask our customers at this time when booking a job to inform us if anyone in the property is in isolation, has symptoms, or has been diagnosed with COVID-19.
Unfortunately we wouldn’t be able to send a tradesperson to resolve any maintenance issues in a situation like this. We hope customers understand this policy is to prevent the potential spread of the virus to others and is in line with Government health recommendations.
We’ll keep the information on this page updated regularly and as Government health recommendations change.
We trust the above will help steer us through the current situation with business productivity maintained. These extra measures are in place to keep our customers safe, if you have any questions or concerns please feel free to get in touch with our front of house team who can discuss all these precautions with you and any concerns you may have.
Here is a quick list of job that we can do during the pandemic. If you need to book one please follow the link below or for a more comprehensive list - please go here: More Services
- Boiler Repairs - heating/hot water failure - London, UK