Terms & Conditions

Terms and Conditions

Please read these terms of service carefully – by using the services of Instafix London Ltd TA Serviceteam you are entering into a contract with us and agreeing to be bound by the following terms and conditions. if you do not agree with any of these terms you should not request our services.


1. Parties, Definitions and Interpretation

We’, ‘us’ and ‘our’ means Instafix London Ltd TA Serviceteam ‘You’, ‘the client’, ‘the customer’, ‘your’ means the person who requested our services and enters into this contract.

In these terms and conditions (which are referred to in this document as “these terms”), “Customer” means the customer for whom the Works are to be carried out by serviceteam, “serviceteam” means Instafix London Ltd TA Serviceteam (“SL”) or, as the case may be, a franchisee of SL carrying on business pursuant to a Franchise Licence Agreement entered into with SL, “Contract” means the agreement between the Customer and serviceteam to carry out the Works of which these terms form a part and (where these terms are a schedule to a signed agreement between the Customer and serviceteam) that agreement, “Works” means the works described in serviceteam’s estimate and/or as referred to in serviceteam’s Work Detail Sheet or any other document or email issued by serviceteam, as may be varied by agreement in writing between the parties. For the purposes of these terms, “in writing” and “written” include by email and any document which is set out in a hand held device and any signature on a hand held screen shall be treated as in writing. In these terms words importing the masculine gender also include the neuter and the feminine gender and words importing the singular number include also the plural number, where the context so requires.

These terms and conditions are governed by English law. By entering into this agreement, you agree that any dispute will resolved exclusively by the English courts. Instafix London Ltd TA Serviceteam may at any time make changes to these terms and conditions and you should therefore periodically visit this page to review the then current terms to which you are bound.

2. General

2.1 The Customer will be treated as an Account Customer or a Non-Account Customer, according to serviceteam’s reasonable discretion.

2.2 All estimates given by serviceteam, all orders and instructions given by the Customer, and all work authorisations, are governed by these terms. They supersede any other terms appearing elsewhere and override and exclude any other terms stipulated or incorporated or referred to by the Customer, whether in the order or instructions or in any negotiations or in any course of dealing established between serviceteam and the Customer, except where these terms are a schedule to a signed agreement between the Customer and serviceteam, in which event these terms apply only to the extent not inconsistent with that agreement.

2.3 The Customer acknowledges that serviceteam has not made any representations (other than any expressly stated in the Contract and/or in serviceteam’s estimate) which have induced it to enter into the Contract and the Contract shall constitute the entire understanding between the Customer and serviceteam for the performance of the Works.

2.4 No modification to the Contract shall be effective unless made by an express written agreement or email exchange between the parties. The signing on behalf of serviceteam of any documentation of the Customer shall not imply any modification of the Contract.

2.5 Nothing in this Contract is intended to confer on any person any right to enforce any term which that person would not have but for The Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999. Accordingly, a person who is not a party to this Contract shall have no rights under that Act to enforce any of its terms, but this does not affect any right or remedy of such person which exists or is available apart from that Act.

3. The Price, Estimates and Variations

3.1.1 Unless serviceteam provides the Customer with a written estimate which is accepted by the Customer in accordance with its terms, all Works will be charged on the basis of SERVICETEAM’s standard Rate Card applicable at the time the Works are carried out.

3.1.2 Any estimate by SERVICETEAM is subject to withdrawal by SERVICETEAM at any time before receipt of an unqualified acceptance from the Customer and shall be deemed to be withdrawn unless so accepted within 28 days from its date.

3.1.3 Where SERVICETEAM provides the Customer with an estimate which is accepted by the Customer in accordance with its terms, that estimate is a firm, fixed price quotation unless otherwise specified by SERVICETEAM in the estimate and also except as follows:

3.1.4 an estimate is based on the information made available to SERVICETEAM by the Customer. If during the conduct of the Works it becomes apparent to SERVICETEAM that that information was either incorrect or insufficient in any respect that SERVICETEAM considers to be material, SERVICETEAM reserves the right to inform the Customer and to increase the estimated price to take account of the revised information; and

3.1.5 if prior to carrying out the Works, there is an increase to SERVICETEAM of more than 10% in the cost of any relevant parts, materials or other items, equipment hire or transport since the date upon which SERVICETEAM’s estimate was provided, SERVICETEAM reserves the right to inform the Customer and to provide a revised estimate incorporating that increase. In this event, the revised estimate will apply unless the Customer cancels the Contract before the Works are begun or, if earlier, within 48 hours of the revised estimate being provided.

3.1.6 For materials, parts or other items that are not carried as part of SERVICETEAM’s standard van stock, unless it is with respect to Works for which there is an estimate which includes all collection fees, SERVICETEAM charges a fixed collection fee of £25 plus VAT. Where an item is not easily sourced or generally held by the major suppliers used by SERVICETEAM and it considers that significant time will need to be spent tracing and then collecting it, SERVICETEAM will inform the Customer in advance and, unless the Customer sources the item itself, this will be charged on a time basis as per SERVICETEAM’s standard Rate Card. It should be noted that this is an infrequent occurrence.

3.1.7 SERVICETEAM’s standard Rate Card is available for inspection both on SERVICETEAM’s website (www.serviceteam.co.uk) and at SERVICETEAM’s premises during normal business hours. The Rate Card specifies hourly & sometimes half hourly rates. There is a minimum charge of one hour. Subject to that, charges are made by the half hour, rounded up to the next half hour.

3.1.8 Unless otherwise stated, the price and all estimates provided by SERVICETEAM are shown exclusive of Value Added Tax which will be payable in addition, where properly chargeable.

3.1.9 If the Works involve a diagnostic process to ascertain the cause or source of a fault or breakdown and during that process an item is ascertained by SERVICETEAM to be faulty and is replaced, the Customer will be liable to pay for that replacement even if the breakdown was caused in whole or in part by a different fault.

3.1.10 Serviceteam will be entitled, in accordance with market practice, to charge a mark-up on any parts, materials and other items supplied by it, subject to a maximum mark-up of 65% of the actual cost paid by SERVICETEAM for the relevant item. The mark-up will reflect, at SERVICETEAM’s sole discretion, the level of trade or other discount that SERVICETEAM was able to obtain from the relevant supplier.

3.2 Hourly Rate and call-out services

3.2.1 Charging for our services (non-account customers):

    If you are paying for your service payment details will be taken from you at the time of booking.

    Your card will be pre authorised or if agreed a deposit payment taken, pre-authorisation is a temporary hold of a specific amount of the available balance on a credit or debit card that is provided upon booking. The pre-authorisation is not a charge and no funds have been debited from your account.

    On completion of the service, payment will be taken from your credit/debit card (note we accept credit card payments for amounts up to £150 only) within 24 hours of the end of each visit.

    A copy of the paid invoice and a job-sheet will be emailed to you once the payment has been approved.

    Our dedicated Operations Team, based in London, are on call to discuss any jobs you need doing, as well as manage your booking until completion. If you would prefer to pay with a different card on completion it is important that you ask our trades person to update payment records with the office whilst they are on site.

    Please also note that unless specifically quoted, materials will always be an additional cost to labour. We hold basic van stocks and any part not carried will be sourced from our supplier network whereby we charge a fixed material collection fee of £25+VAT. The sourcing of specialist parts involving a significant amount of time (coupled with collection) will be charged on a “time-spent” basis, as shown within our standard rates. However, this is a rare example and we will always advise you in advance if any extra charges apply. Refer to 3.2.4.

    We accept card payments by Visa, Visa Debit, Mastercard and Maestro. We also accept payment by BACS transfer in settlement of an account.

    All prices shown on this site are in GB pounds and exclude VAT unless otherwise stated. Hourly rate charges are billed in 30 minute intervals or part thereof with a minimum charge of one hour. All prices exclude parts / materials, waste disposal, congestion & parking charges (unless a parking permit for the duration of the visit is provided).

    In order to secure a booking we may ask for your credit or debit card details. In the event of a chargeable cancellation or missed appointment your card will be charged the current fee. We may also use card details that you have provided us with to collect any outstanding balance payable on a job.

    The information contained within this site is checked for accuracy however on occasions an error may occur.

Instafix London Ltd TA Serviceteam will not be liable for any errors to service descriptions or prices, however we will attempt to supply the service you require on a best endeavours basis. Please remember that when booking in ongoing works following a visit by an serviceteam.co.uk engineer, this must be done direct with our Call Centre for your guarantees and our insurance to apply. Any return booking appointment must be made direct with the serviceteam.co.uk Call Centre or you are at risk of being uninsured and without the “serviceteam.co.uk Guarantee” on the work.

3.2.2 Our service slots:

We allocate 3 hour time slots from Monday to Friday for your visit (or weekends by prior agreement) , and these are supplied on a first come, first served basis.

Your engineer or tradesperson can arrive any time between the start of your slot and the end of your slot. Serviceteam will always do its best to arrive within your given arrival slot. However, due to the nature of our business we are unable to provide a cast iron guarantee should works over run, or difficult traffic conditions prevail.

If we are behind schedule your engineer will always call you and advise.

Sometimes it may be necessary to re-schedule an appointment due to factors beyond our control. If it is necessary to do this, we will attempt telephone you to try to re-schedule another appointment as soon as reasonably possible at a mutually convenient time. Normal Working Hours; Mon – Fri (8am -5pm); Evening (After 5pm) If you have booked a “Normal Working Hours” slot but our arrival runs into our overtime charge rate (see our rate card published on www.serviceteam.co.uk), or if your work extends into the overtime charge rate, you will be afforded two full hours of work at the standard charge rate and then charged accordingly at the overtime rate for any subsequent time on site.

3.2.3 Delivery charges:

Where possible our engineers carry spare parts, however, it may not always be possible to carry the spare part required in order to effect a repair. In these cases, if the part is delivered and installed on the same day of the appointment, collection is charged at the hourly rate applicable to that service. If the part is collected and installed on a subsequent visit, a fixed £25+Vat collection and delivery charge will be applied. The time take to install the part will be charged at prevailing hourly rate.

3.2.4 Pricing:

Unless expressly agreed in writing in advance of your appointment, there will be no deviation from our pricing structure and you will be charged for your visit at the rates indicated on our pricing page for the time period that your appointment falls upon.

3.2.5 Parking & Congestion charges:

As you know parking in and around London can be problematic and extremely costly (depending on the area) and a parking space could be reserved for our engineer it would be appreciated and help increase the efficiency of the service provided (no feeding meters etc). Please let your personal account manager know of any special instructions, or if a parking permit or free parking can be provided. The quote we have provided does not include the cost of parking, congestion charge. For properties on the rim of the congestion zone and where it is not reasonably practical for our engineer to attend without entering/clipping the charge zone, we may need to add the charge to the final bill, please check with your personal account manager in advance of your appointment if you’re not sure?

3.3 Estimates

Quotes are free only at Instafix London Ltd TA Serviceteam‘s discretion. Instafix London Ltd TA Serviceteam reserve the right to charge our hourly rate fee at the prevailing rate where a free quote is not financially viable for us to provide but where you still wish to go ahead with a quote.

3.3.1 Contract:

The agreed final estimate represents a written contract for the exact work to be completed at the price quoted.

Any agreement made verbally is not covered by the contract unless it has been written into said contract.

The agreement is made between Instafix London Ltd TA Serviceteam and the client. the client is identified as the person who requested our quotation.

Instafix London Ltd TA Serviceteam will not enter into any dialogue, accept any requests or communicate in any way with anyone other than the client – except where the client has provided written permission that allows them to do so.

The acceptance of the quote, electronically or by any other means signifies a full acceptance and commitment to be bound by these terms and conditions.

Please check your quotation carefully.

3.3.2 Scope of quoted work:

The quote written by Instafix London Ltd TA Serviceteam for the client represents the requests of the client. It is not a builders survey and we will not be held liable for any task that is not included in the written quote.

3.3.3 Electrical power, water and WC facilities:

The client will be expected to provide electrical power, running water and toilet facilities where reasonably possible.

3.3.4 Boiler installations:

Where we have connected new equipment to your existing system, we will not accept responsibility for the cost of repairing or replacing parts of your existing system which subsequently develops faults in that system.

We will not accept responsibility for any damage caused by leaks from radiators, pumps or any other pipework following the conversion of a conventional system to a mains pressurised system. Nor will we accept responsibility where your central heating system does not function properly because your water supply becomes inadequate or the water pressure is variable.

We will attempt to test your water supply pressure before we start work. As water supply rates can change, we cannot be responsible for your central heating system failing to work properly because your water supply becomes inadequate or changes, unless an independent assessor deems that the manner in which we tested your water pressure was incorrect.

Additional terms and conditions specific to each boiler installation will be indicated on your quote, and form part of these terms and conditions.

3.3.5 Condition of existing walls and ceilings:

Unless specifically mentioned, no provision is made for repair of plastering beneath papered walls or ceiling surfaces, as it is assumed that such plastering is in good condition, and is suitable to take treatment specified. Similarly, the costs of the repairs and renewals of any defects which are not visible at the time of estimating will be chargeable, unless allowance for such items is specifically included in the estimate.

3.3.6 Insurance:

Irrespective of any insurance carried by Instafix London Ltd TA Serviceteam, the customer must inform his or her insurer that building works are to be carried out on the property and satisfy himself or herself that he / she is adequately covered by insurance. Unless expressly agreed, Instafix London Ltd TA Serviceteam are not liable for the loss of or damage to the works, materials on site or any property of the customer, unless the same is caused by negligence (as defined in the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977) of, or breach of contract by us.

3.3.7 Materials:

All necessary materials can and will be provided by us unless otherwise agreed and will always be of high quality and used in an appropriate manner as per the manufacturer’s guidelines. Where it is necessary to match existing decor, our work will be carried out with this in mind, using appropriate materials that provide an exact match where possible. If an exact match will not be achievable, the client will be consulted. Instafix London Ltd TA Serviceteam is not responsible for the performance or suitability of any materials, parts or products purchased directly by the client and allows Instafix London Ltd TA Serviceteam to use these at their own risk.

3.3.8 Aesthetical Decisions:

Where the choice of materials is an aesthetical choice it is incumbent on the customer to make clear (in writing) an exact product, colour or specification required with manufactures part numbers provided to make sure the product installed meets the customer expectations. In situations where an installed material or part does not meet the client expectations in any way or is not a close enough match to an existing, then unless the clients has confirmed in writing exactly what they were expecting, serviceteam hold no financial liability for re completing, re doing, un/re installing or supplying the material or part. In the eventuality that the customer is not happy with installed parts provided due to an aesthetical preference that has not been clearly outlined in advance, serviceteam will provide a further works quote for the clients consideration before proceeding.

3.3.9 Changes to your quote:

Any quote or estimate is subject to revision if there are any changes to the nature or extent of the requested work. This may apply to both labour and materials. However the quote will not be amended without consultation with the client.

3.3.10 Completion timescales:

Estimated completion times are guidelines and although we will endeavour to complete the work in the time frame intimated, we will not be held liable for failure to complete the scheduled works within the estimated time frame. Similarly, it may be that by employing extra resources we can finish a project more quickly than estimated. In which case the price of the quote will still remain the same.

3.3.11 Radiators:

It is not normally necessary to remove radiators, but if their removal is requested, it can be done for an additional charge. This charge will also cover their subsequent reinstallation.

3.3.12 Storage of tools:

We may on occasion request that tools be left on site overnight. The client reserves the right to decline such requests.

3.3.13 Validity period of quotes:

Quotes are valid for 28 days from issue.

3.3.14 Damages and sub-standard workmanship:

It is the responsibility of the client:

    To remove valuable and/or fragile items from the areas to be decorated.

    To remove pictures and other wall-hangings.

    To remove electrical goods.

    Assistance can be provided with the repositioning and/or removal of bulky furniture items and white goods, but will incur an additional charge. We reserve the right to decline to move white goods if the condition or position of the plumbing may incur a higher than normal risk of damage to the equipment or the property. We reserve the right to decline to move particularly heavy or bulky items if they present a higher than accepted health and safety risk. Where items cannot be covered or protected, but could easily have been removed, we will request that they are removed before work commences. We cannot be held liable for damage to such items if they are not removed.

    In the event of breakage or damage to the property Instafix London Ltd TA Serviceteam will notify the client immediately and set out steps to remedy the situation. Similarly, if at the end of the job the client is dissatisfied with any aspect of the service, they must inform us as soon as possible. Clients must allow Instafix London Ltd TA Serviceteam to effect a remedy using our own trades people and under no circumstances will we be held liable for the costs of reparations by third parties that we have not expressly agreed to in writing. The client must notify us in writing within 24 hours of an alleged breakage or damage caused by our employees.

3.3.15 Additional work:

We are usually happy to do favours for our clients over and above our quotations however this is expressly done at your own risk and we will not accept any responsibility for any work undertaken that is not written into the quote, including loss or damage to persons or property.

3.3.16 Precautions – painting work:

We will take every possible precaution to ensure that all vulnerable areas and any objects left in the work area are carefully and thoroughly covered and/or masked. However, there will always remain a very small risk of overspill or dust getting past these precautions. In the rare event of overspill, dust or other cosmetic damage, we will endeavour to ensure that it is satisfactorily cleaned.

3.3.17 Pre-existing damage:

We may take photographs of your property or complete a pre-existing damage form prior to the start of the project. In the unlikely event that we do damage your property and this is a result of our negligence, you will be covered by our insurance for the full amount. However, claims that we can dispute with photo evidence or written agreement will incur a £50 charge per complaint to cover administration costs.

3.3.18 Payment of quoted and fixed price work:

The client agrees to pay the invoice for work a maximum of 5 days after completion of the project. In the event that the client is unhappy with the standard of workmanship, the correct complaints procedure as shown in these terms and conditions must be followed. All materials purchased for, or on behalf of the client, remain the property of Instafix London Ltd TA Serviceteam until payment of the final invoice by the client to Instafix London Ltd TA Serviceteam. In the event of dispute, the client agrees to allow access to the property to a representative of Instafix London Ltd TA Serviceteam to retrieve all materials that remain the property of the company. We are happy to provide invoices for businesses and individuals, however, payment is due within the time-scales as stated in the Terms and Conditions and the amount, unless amended by Instafix London Ltd TA Serviceteam, is fixed in the quotation. Therefore, the client is liable for payment, regardless of whether an invoice has been received. A second copy of an invoice can be issued at a cost of £15 per invoice to cover administration costs.

3.3.19 Deposits:

A deposit may be required to cover material expenses.

All deposits must be made by telephone or internet payment unless agreed by Instafix London Ltd TA Serviceteam.

Deposits are refundable at the sole discretion of Instafix London Ltd TA Serviceteam subject to the conditions laid out with these terms.

The acceptance of a deposit or the request to begin the project by email confirmation or electronically signifies a full acceptance and commitment to be bound by the Terms and Conditions.

3.3.20 Completion of the project

If Instafix London Ltd TA Serviceteam deem it necessary, the client must make themselves available on the last day of the project for consultation and final sign-off for the project. In the event that the client is unavailable, unless otherwise agreed in writing, the client accepts that the project has been completed to their satisfaction and payment in full is due.

3.3.21 Termination of the contract by Instafix London Ltd TA Serviceteam

Instafix London Ltd TA Serviceteam will not tolerate aggressive or rude behaviour, racism, nationalism, sexism, homophobia or ageism directed towards any of its staff or trades people and reserve the right to terminate the project at any time in this event. Neither Instafix London Ltd TA Serviceteam nor any of its affiliates or agents shall be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or punitive damages arising out of our inability to complete the work specified or by invoking this clause.

4. Cancellations

We know things happen and plans change. If you need to cancel your booking or change any details, please let us know as soon as possible so that we can make the necessary alterations to our schedules. If we don’t receive notice of the cancellation or rescheduling of the appointment, within the terms outlined below, you may be charged a cancellation fee. Should you wish to cancel your appointment please do so via telephone as soon as possible.

If you need to cancel (or rearrange) your booking, you must notify us by the end of the working day (1700) before the scheduled booking for “Peace of Mind” Set price jobs, or prior than two working days of the scheduled start date for “Bespoke Quotes & Pay by Time” Services. Cancellations made further in advance should also be made by telephone, and you should request written confirmation from us so that you are not liable to be charged.

If you cancel your instructions more immediately prior to work being carried out, or materials being supplied, you will be liable for the following.

4.1 “Peace of Mind” Set Price Jobs – Examples include : Gas safety certificates, Portable appliance tests (PAT), Boiler Breakdown Diagnostic Call Outs… Or any priced service you find on our website.Normally but not necessarily always jobs that take less time on site. For Power Flushes please see item 4.2 below.

(1) Cancellations made after the end of the working day (1700) before the scheduled booking (but more than 3 hours) prior to the start of an arrival time slot, will incur a £25 + VAT cancellation charge.

(2) Cancellations made less than 3 hours ahead of the start of an arrival time slot will incur a £60 + VAT cancellation charge.

In the event that a customer is not on site at the start of the appointment time, a charge will be made based on our standard half-hourly rate for the relevant trade to cover the period of any delay. Should we be unable to carry out work for reasons beyond our control (e.g. your treatment preparation has not been completed, access problems, incorrect information provided, power supply, etc.) then we reserve the right to charge at our standard half-hourly rate for the relevant trade. NB – 1 hour minimum charge applies to both of these eventualities.

(3) For bookings made within the cancellation period (i.e. same day) – there is a one-hour cancellation window (assuming we have not already set off to you and sent you a tracker notification) before the terms outlined above become applicable.

(4) If your not happy with an arrival slot provided let us know before 2000 the working day prior to your appointment with your preferred three hour window (during normal work hours) – and if we cannot make that work then there will be no cancellation charge for re arranging your appointment for another day.

4.2 For Bespoke Quotes Example include: Gas boiler installations, Decorating quotes, Fitting a shower, Electrical rewiring… Or any service that does not have a generic price on our website & “Pay by Time” services Examples include: Emergency Leaks Trace & Repair, Electrical Faulting Finding, Power Flushes & Repair, Gas Leak Trace & Repair… Or any service where you will be paying based on the time spent on site. Normally but not necessarily always jobs that take longer time on site

(1) (1) In the event that Instafix London Ltd TA Serviceteam is not notified of the cancellation within this time frame, the client agrees to pay all of Instafix London Ltd TA Serviceteam‘s administration, cost of any time, materials (re stocking) incurred by us amounting to not less than 20% of the total project cost.

(2) If the customer elects to cancel our services after we have begun work the customer agrees to pay all of Instafix London Ltd TA Serviceteam‘s administration, materials re-stocking, lost work and scheduling costs in addition to any part of the work that has already been undertaken, amounting to not less than 50% of the total project cost. A charge will also be made for materials that have already been purchased for a specific job, and in such cases these materials will be left at the customer’s premises. Postponement of scheduled works rather than cancellation is acceptable only if the rescheduled date is bona fide and within 2 weeks of the initial date scheduled. Should further postponement occur, you will be deemed to have cancelled our services and the cancellation levy will apply as above.

(3) For bookings made within the cancellation period (i.e. same day) – there is a one-hour cancellation window (assuming we have not already set off to you and sent you a tracker notification) before the terms outlined above become applicable.

5. Payment and Title

5.1 Non-Account Customers: Payment by the Customer is due on completion of the Works. Payment must be made on such completion.

5.2 Account Customers: SERVICETEAM will seek to submit invoices to the Customer within 14 days of completion of the Works and, payment must be made by the Customer within 30 days after the date of issue of the invoice.

5.3 Snagging: Where the Works have been completed subject to snagging, 95% of all amounts outstanding must be paid on such completion and the Customer must provide access to SERVICETEAM without delay to enable the snagging to be finalised. The balance of 5% will become payable upon the finalisation of the snagging or, if access has not been made available to carry out the snagging within 14 days of completion, at the expiry of such 14 day period.

5.4 Where the Customer is represented by a third party (such as a managing agent, tenant or other occupier, contractor or other representative), in the event of non-payment by the Customer, the third party will be responsible for payment unless SERVICETEAM has agreed otherwise in writing.

5.5 In the case of consumer Customers, SERVICETEAM shall be entitled to interest on a daily basis on any amount not paid on the due date for payment from such due date until payment in full at 4% above the Bank of England base rate at the relevant time together with such charges as may be incurred by any collection agent appointed by SERVICETEAM (with a minimum of £40 plus VAT in the case of amounts below £1,000 and a minimum of £75 plus VAT in the case of amounts of £1,000 or more). In the case of commercial Customers, SERVICETEAM will apply all relevant interest and charges as applicable under the Late Payment of Commercial Debts (Interest) Act 1998 as amended and supplemented from time to time by Government legislation or regulation.

5.6 SERVICETEAM shall not be required to issue or deliver any certificates, guarantees or other similar documents regarding the Works until payment has been made in full.

5.7 Title in all parts, materials and other items supplied by SERVICETEAM shall not pass to the Customer until payment for the Works has been made in full.

5.8 Payment Method & Time Frames

If you are paying for your service payment details will be taken from you at the time of booking.

If a deposit amount is due it will l be taken from the credit/debit card provided at the point of booking.

The final payment will be taken from the payment details provided (at the point of booking) on completion the installation.

A copy of the paid invoice and a job-sheet will be emailed to you once the payment has been approved.

Our London based, dedicated Operations Team, are on call to discuss any jobs you need doing, as well as manage your booking until completion.

    For jobs under £3,000 full payment is due on completion of works following receipt of invoice for immediate payment.

    For jobs between £3,000 and £20,000 the payment structure works as follows

    40% deposit payable on agreement of the estimate and signature of paperwork.

    40% payable midway through the project

    15% payable on practical completion

    Final 5% payable on satisfactory completion of snagging work

    For jobs over £20,000 a mutually agreeable payment plan will be put in place

Any discounts applied to this quote are subject to serviceteam receiving payment on any outstanding bills in line with our standard payment terms and conditions. Where payment terms are not met any ex gratia discounts offered pre works well be removed from he final invoice and a final payment before discount will be expected.

5.9 Late Payment Fee Breakdown:

We are all fully aware of the importance of cash flow within a business and the problems associated with late payment, we’ve all felt it.

Serviceteam’s objective is to keep prices as competitive as possible which we can only achieve when payments are received within terms. Prompt payment contributes to product improvements and enhanced client experience.

We do appreciate that on occasions payment cannot be made for a variety of reasons and therefore would appreciate an email/call to explain why, so we can plan our finances accordingly.

Serviceteam feels its approach to invoice settlement is a fair one and we will remind you 1 day after the due date that your invoice is unpaid – we will then send a second reminder 15 days after the due date (if still not paid) and then 31 days after the due date so, all in all 3 polite reminders.

If after the third and final reminder email we’ve still not received payment or any reasons given why payment has been withheld we can only assume all is okay with the invoice (as no communication has been received to the contrary) we will and with regret implement the following late payment charges: –

Statutory Late payment fee equal to £40 (for late payments up to £999.99) and £70 (for late payments between £1000 & £9,999.99) or £100 (for late payments more than £10,000).

We will alert you regularly of any outstanding invoice/s via our internal CRM system. CRM will send three staged payment reminders (automatically) over a 30-day period related to the overdue invoice/s. If the payment remains outstanding after the three payment reminders a member of the debt recovery team will contact the person who placed the works order or the accounts department to pursue payment. To cover the cost of managing/recovering the debt a fee of £10+VAT will be incurred for every email and telephone call undertaken until payment is made.

If the above process proves fruitless i.e. no response or valid reason given for non-payment (and as a last resort) serviceteam will enter the ‘small claims’process to recover the debt. If so, then the following administration fee will apply:-

    For a Land Registry Search serviceteam’s administration fee is £100 + VAT (Land Registry Searches will be undertaken in advance of issue of legal proceedings where it is necessary in serviceteam’s view to establish the owner of the property within which we have completed work)

    With cases where serviceteam is required to defend a spurious ‘charge back’ (credit/debit card) claim – see below specific charge back terms & conditions.

    When reminder emails and telephone calls have not resolved a debt situation and a face to face debt meetings is convened (at the client’s offices) a charge of £50 + VAT per hour or part of will be charged

    Making a court claim for money owed to serviceteam admin fee of £100 + VAT.

    For transferring a writ to the high court serviceteam admin fee is £100 + VAT.

    Time in court charged at hourly rate of £125 + VAT per hour

    Not withstanding any court, Land Registry Check or 3rd party fees will be added to the final debt. Please visit https://www.gov.uk/make-court-claim-for-money/court-fees for a full schedule of court fees

    Please be advised that once a writ has been transferred to the High Court and Enforcement Officers appointed to recover the debt, additional HCEO fees will be added to cover their costs.

    All clients who take a % commission/management fee from serviceteam’s invoices, must have agreed so in writing with serviceteam in advance of a quote or instruction being issued. Pre agreed commission deductions are offered on the proviso that our invoice payments will be made within agreed payment terms (if not agreed to in writing then serviceteams website advertised terms apply). When payment terms are breached (payment outside of terms) we no longer accept a % commission/management fee deduction (from the invoice) and expect all invoices to be paid in full. This contributes to the associated costs of managing late payment.

    In the event that Instafix London Ltd TA Serviceteam Cannot recover any outstanding amount after 30 days beyond the due date, we will levy a late payment charge of 10% of the total invoice or £300 whichever is the greater. After 60 days, we reserve the right to levy a late payment charge of £600 or 30% of the total bill whichever is the greater amount.

    At any time after 30 days of the due date on the invoice, we reserve the right to employ the services of the County Court, the High Court or a debt collection agency.

Please remember that when booking in ongoing works following a visit by a serviceteam engineer, this must be done direct with our Call Centre for your guarantees and our insurance to apply. Any return booking appointment must be made direct with the serviceteam.co.uk Call Centre or you are at risk of being uninsured and without the “serviceteam.co.uk Guarantee” on the work. Any payments made to the engineer directly and not with our office will null and void any warranty you have with serviceteam for any work completed.

Any discounts applied to this quote are subject to serviceteam receiving payment on any outstanding bills in line with our standard payment terms and conditions. Where payment terms are not met any ex gratia discounts offered pre works well be removed from he final invoice and a final payment before discount will be expected.


In the event that a chargeback is made by a client that is successfully defended by Instafix London Ltd TA Serviceteam, the client accepts that an admin charge of £200 + VAT will be added to the final amount. The payment will be charged to the card held on file to cover the cost of defending the action. Repeated chargebacks will invoke a £400 per £1000 charge.

6. The Works

All descriptions, illustrations, etc. contained in any catalogues, price lists or advertisements, or otherwise communicated to the Customer, are intended merely to present a general idea of the Works and nothing contained in any of them shall form a part of the Contract.

7. Commencement and Completion Dates

Dates specified for the commencement and completion of the Works are estimates only. SERVICETEAM shall use all reasonable endeavours to ensure that it will attend on the date and time agreed. However, it accepts no liability in respect of non attendance or late attendance on site or for the late or non-delivery of materials. Time shall not be of the essence of the Contract.

8. Permits, Licences, other Consents and Access

8.1 It is the responsibility of the Customer to obtain all permits, licences and other consents in connection with the Works unless SERVICETEAM agrees otherwise in writing. The Customer shall provide clear access to enable SERVICETEAM to undertake the Works and will make all necessary arrangements with the proper persons or authorities for any traffic controls and signals required in connection with the carrying out of the Works.

8.2 The Customer will at all times provide a safe working environment for SERVICETEAM and its employees, agents and sub-contractors for the purposes of carrying out the Works. SERVICETEAM will not be required to enter any property when they are occupied but the only occupant is a minor.

8.3 The Customer will provide all necessary power and a clean water supply for SERVICETEAM’s use in the execution of the Works.

8.4 Where applicable to drainage works, the Customer will provide, if possible, a plan showing drain layouts. If this is not available, SERVICETEAM reserves the right to render additional charges at the relevant applicable rate in accordance with paragraph 3 above if a blockage occurs in drains not covered by the specifications or if it is necessary to trace unidentified drains to complete the Works.

8.5 The Customer must obtain any permission for SERVICETEAM to proceed over property belonging to third parties if this is necessary for the proper execution of the Works and shall obtain any permission necessary to carry out work on property belonging to third parties. The Customer shall indemnify SERVICETEAM against all claims of whatsoever nature made by such third parties arising out of the presence of SERVICETEAM its employees, agents or sub-contractors on the Customer’s or such third parties’ property save where such claim results directly from negligence on SERVICETEAM’s part. The Customer shall be liable to SERVICETEAM for all loss or damage whether direct, indirect or consequential which is suffered by SERVICETEAM as a result of failure or delay by the Customer in performing the obligations referred to in this paragraph.

9. Frozen Pipes

SERVICETEAM will not be liable for any fracture found in frozen pipes attended by SERVICETEAM. SERVICETEAM will not guarantee to clear blockages occurring in a frozen pipe or drain.

10. Removal of Waste Materials

Unless agreed in writing between the parties, the Customer will be responsible for the removal from site of all waste materials resulting from the Works.

11. Force Majeure

SERVICETEAM will use all reasonable endeavours to carry out the Works on the agreed dates but shall not be under any liability to the Customer if it should be either impossible or impracticable to carry out the Works on the agreed dates or at all, by reason of strike, lock out, industrial dispute, act of God or any other event or occurrence beyond SERVICETEAM’s control.

12. Inspection of Works and Complaints Procedure

12.1 The Customer shall inspect the Works as far as it is reasonably possible to do so immediately upon their completion (though failure to countersign the relevant Works Detail Sheet shall not imply rejection of the Works) and, if it considers that the Works or any part thereof are not in accordance with the Contract, it shall within 7 days from the date of inspection give detailed notice in writing thereof. In the absence of any such notice, the Works shall be conclusively presumed to be complete and free from any defect which would be apparent on reasonable examination.

12.2 If the Customer gives SERVICETEAM a notice that the works or any part thereof are not in accordance with the Contract, as per paragraph 11.1 above, SERVICETEAM shall be given access the site to examine the complaint and, if SERVICETEAM agrees that the Works were not completed in accordance with the Contract, to make good, at SERVICETEAM’S own cost and expense, any defect. If SERVICETEAM does not agree with the Customer’s complaint, the Customer shall be entitled to refer the matter to the relevant trade accreditation body (of which a list is maintained on SERVICETEAM’s website), with a view to mediation in accordance with the recommendations of the body, failing which the Customer shall be deemed to have withdrawn its complaint and shall be obliged to make payment in full for the Works in accordance with paragraph 4 above. If the Customer involves a third party contractor prior to giving SERVICETEAM a reasonable opportunity to correct any agreed defect or prior to exhausting the procedure recommended by the relevant accreditation body, any such involvement shall be at the Customer’s own cost and expense and SERVICETEAM shall be entitled to payment in full in accordance with paragraph 4 above.

12.3 Satisfied with our service. If for any reason you are not, you must follow our complaints procedure as set out below:

In the first instance contact us by telephone to let us know if you are unhappy with any aspect of our service as soon as possible. If you are unable to resolve your problem with the member of staff who is handling your order you should request a call back from the Team Manager. If it is a small problem that is within our scope to rectify immediately we will do so there and then. It is always helpful to put the facts as you see them, and the outcome you are expecting, in an e-mail to your allocated customer service adviser. This will help them to understand your complaint clearly.

If you are still unhappy after we have tried to rectify the problem, if the person that you speak to by phone cannot help you or if you have a dispute about the facts of a situation, you must put your complaint in writing, addressing it to the Customer Service Department. The address for complaints is Instafix London Ltd TA Serviceteam | 60 Windsor Avenue, London, England, SW19 2RR

Please provide as much detail as you can. If your complaint is about a service that we have provided to you, your letter should contain your account number, your order number and a full breakdown of the specific complaint, including the name of the person whom you spoke to first and, for quoted work, a copy of the quote and a list of items that you feel have not been provided to your satisfaction.

After receiving your written complaint, the Customer Service Department will undertake an investigation. The result of this investigation will be communicated to you in writing, within 28 days of us receiving your letter. If the balance of your account has already been charged to your card, and we agree after having completed our investigation that you are due a refund, we will issue this refund with 5 days of the date of completion of the investigation.

If your complaint is about a service that we have provided to you, you must:

    Pay the undisputed part of your account (unless the balance has been collected from your card already).

    Let us know within 24 hours of completion of the work.

    Provide us with such evidence as is necessary to support your complaint.

    Not publish any material whatsoever which makes or infers reference to Instafix London Ltd TA Serviceteam or any member of staff working for or on behalf of Instafix London Ltd TA Serviceteamanywhere whether in print, or electronic format, such as internet forums and review websites until such time as your complaint has been through the above process in full.

13. Defects

13.1 SERVICETEAM undertakes to repair or make good any defect in completed work which appears within 12 months of completion of the same to the extent that such defect arises from a breach of SERVICETEAM’s obligations under the Contract and provided that details of the defect are notified by the Customer to SERVICETEAM in writing within such period and that SERVICETEAM and its insurers are given the opportunity of inspecting the work and the alleged defect. This undertaking shall only apply to work carried out and completed and invoiced by SERVICETEAM and which is paid for by the Customer by the due date for payment ascertained in accordance with our T&C’s.

13.2 If SERVICETEAM returns to the site at the Customer’s request to review a claim under this undertaking and it transpires that the defect had not arisen as a result of a breach of the Contract on the part of SERVICETEAM, SERVICETEAM reserves the right to charge the Customer for the visit at its standard rate.

13.3 SERVICETEAM reserves the right not to carry out any work under this paragraph 12 where the Customer cannot evidence that the work was originally carried out and completed by SERVICETEAM or where payment has not been made in full for such work.

13.4 The exclusions referred to in paragraph 12.1 above are:

    Parts, materials and other items will be provided only with the benefit of the manufacturer’s and/or supplier’s guarantee, and are not guaranteed by SERVICETEAM.

    Systems or structures not installed by SERVICETEAM.

    Any recall arising from circumstances or factors known to the Customer but not notified or disclosed to SERVICETEAM prior to the work having been undertaken.

    Defects resulting from misuse, willful act, or faulty workmanship by the Customer or anyone working for or under the direction of the Customer (other than SERVICETEAM).

    Structural defects encompassing but not limited to subsidence and its resultant effect.

    Damage to drainage systems caused by root penetration or any other outside force.

    Any work to repair an existing lock, or to fit any lock not supplied by SERVICETEAM.

    Any roofing work where SERVICETEAM advises that the overall condition of the roof is poor and is in need of more extensive work and the work to be undertaken involves less than 20% of the area of the roof.

13.5 Warranty On the rare occasion that something goes wrong, let us know as soon as your aware and we will attend to investigate the fault reported. Of course if the fault is found to be with materials, parts or the quality of our workmanship supplied within the last 12 months, then the visit will be free of charge.

However, if the reported fault is not connected to any of the above then it will not be covered under warranty making the visit chargeable at our standard rates.

We adopt this approach due to the technical nature of the works we complete we need to establish (via an on-site visit) if the fault is covered under warranty.

Please remember that when booking in ongoing works following a visit by an serviceteam.co.uk engineer, this must be done direct with our Call Centre for your guarantees and our insurance to apply. Any return booking appointment must be made direct with the serviceteam.co.uk Call Centre or you are at risk of being uninsured and without the “serviceteam.co.uk Guarantee” on the work.

On occasions we may offer to extended your installation and workmanship warranty by 6 months, in return for a review on one of our online review platforms. In this instance the warranty extension applies to serviceteam’s workmanship as opposed to the materials supplied, which will be guaranteed under the manufacturer’s standard warranty agreement.

13.6 12 Year Worcester Bosch Boiler Warranty

Serviceteam’s 12-year boiler warranty Terms and Conditions:

Serviceteam clearly states up front its policies, terms and conditions so there’s no surprise when it comes to our services. If you wish to read all our policies, you can do so (on our policy page) but for convenience sake we have provided them below.

Your new Worcester Bosch boiler if installed by serviceteam’s Worcester Bosch approved installers (to ensure quality and service continuity) comes with your 12-year warranty.

All we ask is you comply with our extended warranty conditions for them to remain valid and are as follows:

you agree to allow serviceteam to service your boiler once a year for the duration of the extended warranty

Upon installation you agree to a system **powerflush and the installation of a system filter?
The conditions outlined below validate your 12-year guarantee.

    Year 1 and 2 – Standard annual Service

    Year 3 – Standard annual Service

    Year 4 – Standard annual Service

    Year 5 – Standard annual Service

    Years 6 Major Service and Re-Fernox

    Year 7 – Standard annual Service

    Year 8 – Standard annual Service

    Year 9 – Standard annual Service

    Year 10 – Standard annual Service with Powerflush and Re-Fernox

    Year 11 – Standard annual Service

    Year 12 – Standard annual Service

Even if your boiler is classified (by a Worcester Bosch engineer) as beyond economical repair (BER) within the 12-year warranty period we will fit a new boiler free of charge.

This warranty does not apply to flues and copper cylinders but are still covered by our attractive 3-year warranty. Worcester Bosch RF programmers/room stats are covered by our 7 year warranty. All other Rf programmers/room stats are covered by our 5 year warranty.

This warranty does not include:

    Bleeding of radiators

    topping up the system

    no gas

    no electric

    RF programmer faults including lost signal

    wrongly set controls

    dead batteries

    frozen condensate pipework

If you arrange an appointment which has been confirmed by text/email/phone call by serviceteam and on the day you are unavailable (not able to meet the time slot) when we arrive, you may still be charged the full call out fee.

Your installation will be covered by a one-year warranty if you chose not to take up this offer.

**Minor Service currently £85 + Vat, Major Service currently £120 + Vat, Powerflush currently £395 + Vat (allowing up to 8 radiators; add £35 + Vat for each additional)

14. SERVICETEAM’s Liability

14.1 These terms set out SERVICETEAM’s entire liability in respect of the Works and SERVICETEAM’s liability under them shall be in lieu and to the exclusion of all other warranties, conditions, terms and liabilities, expressed or implied, in respect of the Works and the quality thereof.

14.2 SERVICETEAM’s liability shall be limited to:

    The repair or making good of any defect pursuant to its undertaking in paragraph 12 above and subject always to paragraph 11 above.

    Liability for death or personal injury resulting from negligence in the course of carrying out SERVICETEAM’s duties.

    The reasonable costs of repair or reinstatement of any loss or damage to the Customer’s property if such loss or damage results from SERVICETEAM’s negligence or that of its employees, agents or sub-contractors and the Customer incurs such costs.

SERVICETEAM will not be responsible for damage suffered to a part of the Customer’s property (whether or not SERVICETEAM is working on that part) where that damage is in whole or in part a consequence of a defect or weakness in that part of the property.

15. Customer’s Liability

15.1 The Customer shall, in addition to its liability under paragraph 7.5 above and paragraph 15.1 below, be liable for:

    Any loss, damage or injury, whether direct, indirect or consequential, resulting from failure or delay in the performance of the Customer’s obligations in connection with the Contract

    The safety of both plant and machinery belonging to or hired in by SERVICETEAM or its employees, agents or sub-contractors and shall indemnify SERVICETEAM against its loss, theft or damage.

15.2 The Customer shall indemnify SERVICETEAM against all actions, suits, claims, demands, losses, charges, costs and expenses which SERVICETEAM may suffer or incur resulting from a failure or delay in the performance of the Customer’s obligations, undertakings, representations or warranties in connection with the Contract.

16. Discounts And Promotions

From time to time Instafix London Ltd TA Serviceteam run promotions and offers – these promotions and offers come with the following conditions:

    Discount is applicable to labour costs on hourly rate jobs, half-daily rate jobs and daily rate jobs unless otherwise specified.

    Materials costs are not included in the promotion unless otherwise specified.

    Fixed price quotations or fixed price work (such as Periodic Inspections etc.) are included in the promotion.

    Discounts can’t be combined at the time of purchase.

    Offer periods are limited – refer to the specific promotion for validity period.

    Website offers only. If promotion states that offer is only available online via Serviceteam.co.uk, and if at any point you call up to book or complete your online order over the phone – then you will be charged at full price.

    Existing customer offers are available only to customers who have previously had at least one completed paid job with Instafix London Ltd TA Serviceteam.

    Competition winners must agree to consent to having their name and photograph used in any Instafix London Ltd TA Serviceteam publicity.

    Instafix London Ltd TA Serviceteam reserve the right to withdraw this offer at any time.

    Errors and omissions excepted.

    Any discounts applied to this quote are subject to serviceteam receiving payment on any outstanding bills in line with our standard payment terms and conditions. Where payment terms are not met any ex gratia discounts offered pre works well be removed from he final invoice and a final payment before discount will be expected.

    Parking & Congestion fees are not included within the offer.

    Special offers can NOT be used in conjunction with any other offer – discount – or membership discounts.

    Serviceteam Club – Annual fee membership is a rolling annual subscription plan. We will automatically charge the initial payment method, unless you notify us, on the year anniversary. Should you decide to cancel, you will have up to 14 days after payment has been made for the membership to get a full refund, providing you have not used the benefits during this period. After this period has elapsed the membership fee is non-refundable.

    Serviceteam Club – Monthly fee membership is a rolling month to month subscription plan. We will automatically charge the initial payment method, unless you notify us, on the month anniversary. Should you decide to cancel, you will have up to 7 days after payment has been made for the membership to get a full refund, providing you have not used the benefits during this period. After period has elapsed the membership fee is non-refundable.

    Serviceteam Club – Annual Membership benefits from having a free gas service (Annual Boiler service or Gas Safety Certificate) every year. This free benefit is not available on the Monthly Membership.

    Serviceteam Club – Discounts cannot be applied to bespoke quotes that were issued prior to or pre-date the membership. This includes lapsed membership. If membership is lapsed and a quote is issued the discount will not be valid for quote issued during that period of lapsed membership.

Summer Sale Promotions

    This Summer Sale Promotion, booking can be booked up to 2 months into the future at Serviceteam’s discretion and will be confirmed via email or WhatsApp.

    We may take a deposit payment in advance and expect the remaining balance payment upon completion of satisfactory service.

    This special offer is limited to 3 products per account holder.

    This Summer Sale 2024 offer can NOT be used in conjunction with any other special offer – discount – or membership discount.

    Standard T&C’s apply

    Discounted services can be cancelled at serviceteams discretion at any point.

17. Key Collection

Serviceteam appreciates the importance of collecting keys when access cannot be physically provided, especially in times of an emergency e.g. when a GSC is near its expiry, or when urgent repairs are needed. Key collection is an extended service offered to our clients but we would always prefer a responsible person to be in attendance, not only to provide access but to sign off the completed works. Furthermore, a responsible person present will be able to clarify and avoid any potential errors and/or disputes regarding the finished product, regardless of written instructions. Therefore, serviceteam accepts no liability or loss for errors made that could have been easily clarified by a responsible person on site.

Whilst all our Field Team Members are DBS checked and completely trusted by Instafix London Ltd TA Serviceteam. We will not accept liability in respect of any loss, damage or injury suffered as a result of a responsible person not being present to witness the works.

18. Allowances & Special Circumstances

18.1 No allowance has been made for any boxing, tiling, building or filling / decoration works. Please note boxing and walls may be opened or altered in order to complete the installation.

18.2 Any leaks on existing valves or pipe work that need to be repaired are not covered within the quote. If repairs are required we will price this based on our standard hourly charges plus materials

18.3 Works requiring drain downs? On rare occasions the process of draining down tanks, radiators and or pipework can result in Airlocks during the refill process. Either as a result of pre existing sludge settling or pipework routing not evident in advance of commencing works. On these occasions we will always provide you with a report and further works quote for your approval before proceeding.

18.4 If any of the materials allowed for within our quote are not required then we can arrange for these to be returned to our suppliers requesting a refund and we will not charge you for them. On occasions our suppliers/manufactures levy a minimal fee for the cost of returning the items to cover their admin, postage and restocking charges. On these occasions we will pass on any charges.

18.5 Estimates prepared from photos/emails are based on the information provided and are subject to a site survey. Within the first 30 minutes on site our engineer would assess the quoted works before commencing. If there any concerns with our estimate before starting works we would discuss these with you.

18.6 Diagnostics and quotes prepared without having attended site are subject to review. In the eventuality that the engineer identifies variations in the works described resulting in an abortive callout then all unnecessary materials will be returned to our suppliers for a full refund and we will only charge for our associated labour costs at our standard labour rates found on our website

19. Waiver, Variation etc.

No waiver by SERVICETEAM of any breach by the Customer shall operate as a waiver of any preceding or subsequent breach by the Customer. No variation shall be effective against SERVICETEAM unless sanctioned in writing by SERVICETEAM. No forbearance or delay on SERVICETEAM’s part shall prejudice SERVICETEAM’s rights and remedies under this Contract.

20. Out Of Hours Call Handling Service

Who’s authorised to book an Out Of Hours call and authorisation levels:
Client to supply a comprehensive list of property addresses where Serviceteam are authorised to attend (Out Of Hours) with tenant instructions.
Client to confirm that Serviceteam are ‘pre-authorised’ (up to the 1st hour on site) to attend, ‘make safe’ and report back on the further works required.
Client to provide internal single point of contact as when (on rare occasions) further ‘Out of Hours’ authorisation is requested.

Coverage Areas:
As outlined on our website coverage pages

Client to confirm who will receive all ‘Out Of Hours’ work reports.
Client to retrospectively issue a works order within normal office hours for the ‘Out Of Hours’ visit.
Serviceteam to attach the works order to the invoice and forward to clients accounts team (following agreed invoicing procedure).

Times of service:
1700 – 2300 Mon – Fri & 0800 – 2300 Sat – Sun 365 days a year

Category Criteria Next Steps
Emergency Repairs An emergency resulting from any one of the following:
  • Risk of danger to the health, safety and security of a tenant at the property due to a Gas or water leaks or an electrical issue.
  • Risk of danger to the health, safety and security of a third party at the property due to any of the above.
  • *Heating – When the temperature drops below 16°C (60.8F) with a possible risk to health, and the temperature can be confirmed by accessing the BBC weather site as a benchmark
  • (https://www.bbc.co.uk/weather/0), we will attend. When the temperature is above 16°C we would not consider this as a heating emergency as such.
  • Any defect that affects the structure of the property?
Make safe as soon as is practically possible and normally within 6 hours of notification.
*Heating, attempt to resolve within 1st hour or alternatively provide temporary heaters and report back for an in hours response.
Urgent Repairs but not an emergency A defect that relates to any of the following and makes the property uninhabitable:
  • The exterior of the property; (see above) or
  • The installations in the property for the supply of water, gas and electricity and for sanitation (including basins, sinks, baths and the WC etc.).
  • Hot water (not considered an emergency).
Non Urgent Repairs Any other defect. Where possible the issues will be reported back to client for an “In hours response”

Sub Contracting:

On occasions when our ‘in-house’ resource is unavailable (during times of peak demand) we would utilise the services of our affiliated sub-contractor team (with whom we have worked with for many years) to service an out of hours visit. All contractors utilised will have been thoroughly vetted, trained and covered by Serviceteam’s insurance policy.

Call Out Rates:

Schedule of rates (*Christmas period rates vary) and areas of coverage. Please let us know if you have any other questions regarding this document?

Out of hours Emergency Telephone Handling Service:

To be priced to client (*Christmas period rates vary)

Trades Schedule:

Serviceteam endeavour to provide a one stop shop supply for all domestic home services. Currently we offer the following trades out of hours (Gas, Plumbing and Electrical)

Cliewnt to confirm a point of contact (an alternative approved clients contractor) should Serviceteam receive a call for a trade they are not able to supply. We would pass instruction to the approved Clients contractor.

Termination notice

If you want to terminate our agreement, you can give us two calendar month’s notice as long as we receive your notice any time up to and including the

first day of the calendar month. If you give us notice but we do not receive it by the first day of the calendar month, our contract will not end in two months from that date. Instead, we will treat your notice as if we received it on the first day of the following month and your contract will not end until two months after that date.

For example if you notify us that you wish to terminate your contract 20th Jan 2019 we would take your notice as at the 1stFeb 2019 for a cancellation of service two months from then on the 1st April 2019


It is important to note that whilst we are able to offer the support required (and to manage expectations) we do not provide a ‘guaranteed’ ‘Out Of Hours’ as ultimately the service required would always be subject to our resource availability. Therefore, Serviceteam would not accept any responsibility or liability financial or otherwise (property damage/personal injury etc.) if we are unable to service a ‘call out’, within a specific timeframe.

On rare occasions when Serviceteam is unable to support an immediate need (either because resource shortages or the trade required is not on the above list) we would, and without delay transfer the tenant to the nominated client representative.