Restrictive Covenant

Restrictive Covenant Conditions

You will never be asked to pay our tradespeople directly.

A minority believe it is ‘okay’ to approach our tradespeople directly and cut serviceteam out of the transaction. You probably know a neighbour who did it and managed to save a few pounds.

Most would agree, this approach is dishonest and pollutes business ethics. Moreover, it has implications: Not only for serviceteam, in general, but for our personnel and for our customers.


Please consider the following carefully:

  1. Does your household insurance cover injuries to visitors or workers?
  2. Our guarantees and insurance for workmanship, materials, accidents, or major catastrophes would become null and void.
  3. Those bypassing serviceteam are profiting at serviceteam’s expense from its costly advertising campaigns, damaging the goodwill serviceteam has created. This will incur a claim for compensation.
  4. Every Tradesperson is contractually obliged to report any direct customer approach to their line manager. Not doing so will result in the tradeperson’s dismissal. We respectfully request you avoid putting serviceteam’s personnel in a difficult position that could have a detrimental effect on their livelihood.

By using our services you understand the reasons why and agree not to enter into any business transactions for work offered outside serviceteam’s terms with our tradespeople for a period of five years following the completion of this job.

Customers who were first introduced to our tradesperson via serviceteam and who choose to pay them directly for contracted or subsequent work which in effect bypasses serviceteam’s official payment protocols will be liable to pay serviceteam a referral fee of 35% based on the total value of the work undertaken. If serviceteam have provided the customer with a quote for the work/s the amount quoted will be taken as the value of that work, unless proved otherwise. The minimum referral fee is £1,000 + VAT.

Any subsequent bookings must be made directly with our office.

Suggestions to avoid this situation
Do not share contact details directly with our tradespeople – our office is open 24/7 for support via email, WhatsApp, and telephone. If necessary, we can always arrange a conference call via Zoom/Skype etc.

What to do if one of our tradespeople offers their services directly?
Let us know immediately and the tradesperson will be removed from the job and subject to an investigation by senior management.

Business customers
We do, however, allow our tradespeople to become employed either directly or indirectly by our business customers with prior agreement of all parties.

You must first be granted full permission, and agree to pay serviceteam as an “Employment Agency” with a fee calculated at 35%. This is if you engage a serviceteam tradesperson ether directly or indirectly, within 12 months from the date of serviceteam’s Introduction.

The fee will be calculated as a percentage of the trades persons remuneration applicable during the first 12 months of the Engagement at 35%

We trust you will treat this message in the spirit of business protection and appreciate the reasons behind it.

We thank you for your understanding and the time taken to read the above.

Customer Service Manager
Max Foster