Copyright Notice ServiceTeam London – Protect Data From Unauthorized Copying Or Publishing

Copyright Notice | Serviceteam

This website and its content is copyright of serviceteam © serviceteam 2020. All rights reserved.

Any redistribution, reproduction of part or all of the content on our website is prohibited other than the following:


You may not, except with our express written permission, distribute or commercially exploit the content.

Nor may you transmit it or store it in any other website or another form of the electronic retrieval system. has taken measures to protect its intellectual property and protect it from unauthorised copying and or publishing. Our Terms and Conditions are detailed below.

It’s tempting to take a ‘cut and paste’ approach when an article or column must be submitted to meet a deadline, even more so when time is short with deadlines looming.

In our Terms and Conditions, we just want to give an overview of copyright infringement so you can avoid possible costly legal action when tempted to take a ‘short cut’.

In reality, it’s theft and intellectual property has to be protected. Should you wish to copy our material, it is possible but comes with a price.


You may have already trawled through our website to find a service to meet your needs. All of what you have read is our copyright material owned by serviceteam. The cost of hiring a decent ‘creator/wordsmith’ doesn’t come cheap to translate ideas and innovative catchphrases and taglines into type, which continues to be a constant cost to serviceteam. And the way we market to our customers.

You may already have designed your website with articles, pictures etc. only to have your hard work ‘grabbed’. You are helping the offender/s to generate sales off your back ‘free’ of charge, without any payback for the effort you have put in! I think you will agree it’s a pain in the butt!

The owner of serviceteam together with the development teams, has painstakingly created and written the entire content on our website. There shouldn’t be any other visible instances (of its contents) on the internet as searches on Google will confirm.

The design and construction of our website have completed in joint partnership with defero media Ltd. Any copyright in the design and development has been transferred to serviceteam by agreement dated 1st Sep 2017.

We do, however, allow our material to be used on other companies websites. However, you must first be granted full permission by the copyright holder, to re-print, re-publish and re-use any of our material in line with the charges below: –



Per Video – £3,250 per year* 

Per Graphic – £1,750 per year*

Per owned image – £1,500 per year*

Per use of Serviceteam Logo – £10,000 per year*

Per link used as backlinks – £1,000 per month*

Written content (inc paraphrasing) – £695 + Vat per paragraph*

All the above are ex VAT.

*Any content used will be limited to a minimum usage of 12 months.

Paragraphs are defined by layout. If only partial usage of a paragraph is used, the fee will be based on a minimum charge of £695 + VAT. The charging is based on use, i.e. if the wording is replicated more than once on a page or different pages, then we charge twice.

We do not accept a reduced ‘pro-rata’ fee if requirements are for less than the 12 months.

For the avoidance of doubt and if our content is discovered on another’s website and taken down, i.e. a day later, the 12-month minimum charge will apply.

  1. Please be aware; if a website owner removes our material, our full charges become due.
  2. By not entering into a contract with serviceteam renders the use of our content Illegal, and payments owed in line with the above will be pursued.
  3. A 10% discount is offered to owners of websites who have contacted us in advance (in writing) and who have paid in advance, requesting permission to use our material.
  4. If we establish that a website has used our content without permission or payment, we will ask that the contents be taken down until payment has been received into the following bank account.

Sort code 04 00 03
Account Number 0523 8043

We consider any use of our material to have been legally authorised by serviceteam Charges are due within 14 days of the invoice

Notice to Website Developers 

Please be aware that the website owners you work for or in conjunction with will be held responsible for any use or publication of any licensed content from our website. We strongly advise that you inform your clients of our licence fees in advance.

A word on plagiarism

If it’s known that a plagiarist or their agents have infringed our copyright, but deny having read serviceteam terms and Copyright Notice and by doing so deny entering into a contract with serviceteam when copyright is highlighted they or their agents will be referred to case law covering Copyright Notice’ to clarify the misunderstanding.

Simply – Don’t do it!


An analogy:

“When entering a car park (in most instances), one becomes liable under the car park’s terms and conditions to pay a parking fee, in line with its parking conditions notice displayed inside or outside the car park. This notice will contain the parking charges and fines if not paid, it’s a warning and in plain sight!

Similarly, with serviceteam’s copyright material, you are warned (on every page) of its copyright. If one still proceeds to take information without consent, then the above Terms and conditions will be applied.”