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Summer is coming, and while you're preparing your home for warmer weather, don't forget an important task: getting a boiler service. Even though we don't use heating much in summer, it's smart to service your boiler now rather than wait.

Why is Summer the Best Time For a Boiler Service in London?

As summer arrives in London, the warmer weather and longer days often make us forget about our home's heating system. However, this season presents the perfect opportunity to ensure your boiler is in peak condition.

Summer boiler servicing not only guarantees your system runs efficiently but also ensures you're not left in the cold when winter returns. Here's why you should consider booking a boiler service this summer and how the availability of heating engineers can work to your advantage.

The Benefits of Summer Boiler Servicing

A-family-is-enjoying-in-a-summer-home Avoid the Winter Rush

Winter is the peak season for boiler services and repairs, making it easier to find a trusted heating engineer without high fees or long waits. Winter is the busiest time for boiler companies, so avoid the rush by scheduling in the warmer months for faster service.

Servicing your boiler in summer also gives you more time to choose the best engineers carefully instead of rushing during an emergency.

Take Advantage of Special Offers

It doesn't matter whether you have a gas boiler, combi boiler, or electric boiler. Summertime brings with it amazing deals from many companies to encourage homeowners to service their boilers. For instance, you might find deals offering up to 30% off boiler servicing. Enjoying the advantage of these discounts can save you money while ensuring your boiler is ready for the colder months.

Moreover, getting your boiler serviced in the summer can help you save money in the winter. Winter can be expensive with higher energy bills and holiday costs. By taking care of your boiler service before winter, you can avoid this extra expense when money is tighter.

Ensure Efficiency and Safety

Regular boiler maintenance is essential for efficiency and safety. A summer service includes a thorough inspection and cleaning of the boiler, which helps to identify and resolve any issues before they escalate. This not only ensures the boiler operates efficiently, reducing energy bills but also prevents dangerous situations like carbon monoxide leaks.

Extend Your Boiler's Lifespan

Regular maintenance helps to prolong the life of your boiler. By addressing minor issues during an annual boiler service, you can prevent major breakdowns and expensive boiler repairs. This ensures you get the most out of your investment, keeping your boiler running smoothly for years to come.

Better Availability of Boiler Parts

During the summer, boiler parts typically have less demand, making it easier to source and replace any necessary components. This means any required repairs can be completed quickly, ensuring your boiler is ready for the winter months.

Peace of Mind

Having your boiler in good working condition gives you peace of mind. You can relax knowing your boiler is serviced, and your home will be warm and comfortable all winter without worrying about unexpected breakdowns.

UK law requires landlords to maintain and keep gas appliances, including boilers, in good working order. The Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations 1998 mandate that landlords have their gas appliances inspected each year by a Gas Safe-qualified engineer.

Importance of Heating Engineer's Availability in the Summer

A-heating-engineer-is-repairing-a-gas-boiler-at-home More Flexible Scheduling

During the summer, heating engineers generally have more flexible schedules compared to the winter months. This means you can book a service at a convenient time without waiting weeks for an appointment.

Reduced Emergency Call-Outs

With fewer emergency call-outs in the summer, heating engineers can dedicate more time and attention to routine maintenance services. This ensures a thorough and meticulous service, addressing potential issues before they become major problems.

Expert Advice and Consultation

Summer is a great time to seek expert advice on your heating system. Heating engineers can provide recommendations on improving your system's efficiency, suggest upgrades, or advise on the best replacement options if your boiler is outdated.

Comprehensive Checks

With more time available, gas and heating engineers can perform comprehensive checks on your entire heating system, not just the boiler. This includes inspecting radiators, pipework, and controls to ensure everything is in optimal condition.

Compliance with Regulations

For landlords, regular boiler maintenance is not just about convenience but also compliance. Landlords are required under the Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Alarm (Amendment) Regulations of 2022 to ensure their tenants' safety on their properties. Scheduling a summer service helps you stay compliant and avoid potential fines.

How to Book Your Summer Boiler Service?

Booking a summer boiler service is straightforward. Simply contact a reputable service provider in London, such as Serviceteam, and schedule an appointment at a time that suits you.

Be sure to inquire about any summer discounts or special offers to maximize your savings.

How To Find A Trusted Boiler Service Company?

Regularly servicing your boiler is crucial for safety, efficiency, and saving money. Here's how to find a reliable boiler company:

Ask For Recommendations

Ask friends, family, and colleagues for recommendations. They'll be happy to share their contact details if they've had a good experience with a boiler company. This can give you confidence in the service you'll receive.

Find Out What Services They Offer

Always go for a company that offers a range of services, not just boiler repairs. Look for ones that also handle central heating maintenance, repair and gas appliance repairs. This way, you can rely on them for all your future needs.

Check Experience And Accreditations

Ensure the company is experienced and properly accredited. Ask how long they've been in business and check their accreditations, such as Which? Trusted Traders and the Gas Safe Register. Make sure you are on the Gas Safe Register; it is a legal requirement for all gas engineers.

Call Serviceteam Heating Professionals

Contact Serviceteam Professionals for all your boiler needs. We offer round-the-clock service in London and handle emergency breakdowns and installations alike.
Compare Quotes From Several Companies

Get quotes from three or four companies to avoid overpaying. While the cheapest option can be tempting, extremely low prices may indicate poor quality. Choose a company offering competitive but reasonable prices for your annual boiler service.

Final Thoughts

Don't wait until the winter months to find out your boiler needs attention. By scheduling a summer boiler service, you ensure your heating system is ready to handle the demands of the colder season. Take advantage of heating engineers' availability and potential cost savings to keep your home warm, safe, and efficient.

Book your summer boiler service today and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing your boiler is in top condition.

Call Serviceteam Heating Professionals Today!


 Serviceteam offers up to 30% off on summer boiler services until the end of July.  Our heating engineers are available 24/7 for a thorough annual boiler service in London and nearby areas.

Book your summer boiler service with Serviceteam now!