Electric Shower Replacement in London
The key advantage of an electric shower installation is that it draws its water from a single cold water inlet. This means there will always be hot water on demand. It works independently from your gas boiler or a hot water tank; therefore, there’s plenty of hot water when you need it.
It’s so frustrating when you’re out of hot water and have to wait for it to heat up again, or worst still, when you’re partway through your shower, and it goes cold; Aaaaagh! With an electric shower, there’s no waiting for the water to heat up or any chance of it running out halfway through; happy days? Nor can anyone be blamed for using all the hot water. Running out of hot water, repeatedly heating it, or boiler malfunctions can be expensive.
If you’re considering installing or replacing an electric shower, it’s best left to the plumbing and electrical professionals as you’re dealing with water and electricity – not ideal bedfellows! If you want to be clear on the electrical safety in your home, call serviceteam and our electrical and plumbing professionals will conduct a survey to identify any risks present on your property.
The faults in electric showers are mainly caused by electrical component failure, lime scale build-up, or pressure issues within the heating unit.
As electric showers have become more efficient and popular in London, the cost of them has decreased. This means that when showers start to develop faults, it is almost always more economical to replace the whole unit than to replace it within the existing unit in an attempt to extend its lifetime.