For an ‘emergency service’ or if you have multiple smaller jobs on your ‘To Do List?’
What do you need help with?
Experienced & vetted tradesmen
Emergency response
7 day availability for all trades
Dedicated Service Support Manager
Serviceteam Guarantee on workmanship
Peace of mind from trade accreditations
Parts and materials used
Collection of parts and materials
Cost of Parking & Congestion Charge
Fuel or travel time
*We can negotiate full-day rates based on the location, duration and type of work needed
Sometimes, with smaller jobs there’s no need for an estimate. In the case of an emergency, your tradesperson may need to start work straight away without giving an estimate.
We have a team of engineers who will manage all the jobs you’ve listed, from Gas Engineers, Plumbers, Multiskilled Handymen to Electricians, our ‘by time’ rates can be found on our website (Our Prices).
Our engineer will assess the works required and will provide you with an indication of how long they expect the works to take.
If we are unable to complete the works within the 1st visit, as extra time or further materials/parts are needed we will provide you with a fixed price quotation and won’t proceed until your authorisation has been granted.
In these instances, we charge a fixed hourly rate that covers investigation time and any other time needed to complete the job.
Points of note:
Delivery Charges: