Parking Charges & Waste Disposal Cost

Parking, Congestion Charge & Waste Charges Explained

Our prices allow for all the necessary labour, materials, plant and equipment. Our Quotes & estimates are based on the assumption of normal working hours, namely between 8am and 6pm Monday to Friday, and that no restrictions will be placed on the hours our operatives may work. As explained, If you would prefer the work to be completed “Out of Hours” this can sometimes be arranged, with the surcharge associated detailed within the “Quote Options” section of our proposal.


Unless specified otherwise, we have not allowed for the cost of parking, congestion charge or Waste Disposal within our quote the cost of which will be added to the final bill where applicable.

Parking, Congestion & Charges

As you know parking in and around London can be problematic and extremely costly (depending on the area) and a parking space could be reserved for our engineer it would be appreciated and help increase the efficiency of the service provided (no feeding meters etc). Please let your personal account manager know of any special instructions, or if a parking permit or free parking can be provided. The quote we have provided does not include the cost of parking and/or congestion charge which will be added to the final invoice (if applicable). For properties on the rim of the congestion zone and where it is not reasonably practical for our engineer to attend without entering/clipping the charge zone, we may need to add the charge to the final bill. please check with your personal account manager in advance of your appointment if you’re not sure.

So what's the difference between an estimate and a quote?

    Any work serviceteam undertakes on behalf of a client that produces waste is by definition classed as ‘domestic waste’ and therefore can be disposed of directly (by the client) with the local authority free of charge (accounted for in your council taxes).

    However, if you want to avoid the inconvenience of disposing of the waste and prefer serviceteam to do so, the waste then becomes ‘commercial’ waste. As the waste is now deemed ‘commercial’ it carries a cost.

    Unless specifically stated otherwise, the quote we have provided does not include the cost of waste disposal.

    When a client is in attendance on site during and upon completion of the work/s our tradesperson/s will ask you if you require serviceteam to dispose of the waste. If you prefer to make your own waste disposal arrangements please confirm with serviceteam.

    When a client is not on site upon completion of the work/s and serviceteam hasn’t received confirmation, then serviceteam, to avoid disappointment will automatically clear the site of any waste associated with your work/s and charge accordingly.

    Please let your personal account manager know of any special waste disposal instructions that can be relayed to our tradespeople in advance of your work.

    If you would like to dispose off the waste yourself our tradesperson will happily bag the waste in sturdy rubble bags provided by yourself. Please instruct our trades person accordingly.

    When serviceteam are requested to dispose of waste the cost will be added to the final invoice in accordance with our Waste Cost Table below. Please note, if the amount of waste is too great and unable to fit into tradespersons vehicle the surplus will be bagged and left in a location (agreed with you) so serviceteam’s specific waste disposal vehicle can return at a convenient date to collect.

Please note: We do understand that Waste Management involves a cost. However, there are many illegal waste carriers (unlicensed) willing to take your waste at a lower cost. The penalties for doing so (in some boroughs) are high as £50,000 or one year imprisonment. ‘Fly tipping’ is considered an ‘illegal waste crime’. Robust enforcement action is taken against those who deliberately ignore the law. If somebody offers disposal on the ‘cheap’ (not a problem) but first check their credentials. If they transport your waste they must be registered and hold a valid Waste Carriers Licence.

To report waste crime call the Environment Agency 24/7 on 0800 80 70 60 or report it anonymously to Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111. You can also check online whether a waste carrier is genuine.

Our Waste Disposal Cost
  Price per bag or item
Specific Stand-alone items  
Standalone Small Items (i.e. Tap, Shower valve, Boiler Part etc) £5.00 + Vat Each
Standalone Larger Items (i.e. Radiators) £7.50 + Vat Each
Saniflo Macerator £25.00 + Vat Each
Boiler + Hot Water Cylinder Replacement Always included in your price
Rubble Sack (510mm Deep x 380mm Width)  
Less than half a bag £7.50 + Vat
Up to 1 bag £15.00 + Vat
Full Bags £15.00 + Vat Each
Larger Amounts  
If our tradesperson is unable to fit additional waste on to the vehicle it will be bagged and left on site in an agreed location, agreed with you. A fixed price quote will be provided for one of serviceteam’s waste tipper trucks to attend at a convenient date. Fixed Price Quote Will Be Provided on Completion

We don’t have hidden Extras

What you get from us

Experienced & vetted tradesmen

5 Star Which? Trusted trader

Emergency response

7 day availability for all trades

Dedicated Service Support Manager

Serviceteam Guarantee on workmanship

Peace of mind from trade accreditations

Occasional extra costs

Parts and materials used

Collection of parts and materials

Cost of Parking & Congestion Charge

We won’t charge for

Fuel or travel time