Why should I Powerflush my heating system?
Over time the water within your central heating system reacts with the inside of your steel radiators. The reaction consists of dissolved rust (iron oxide) which is dark/black/reddish in color and of a ‘gummy’ consistency. Not ideal as it restricts the circulation of water around the system causing a drop in the efficiency and performance of your central heating.
The suspended debris/sludge must be removed if you are experiencing partially warm radiators (warm at the bottom cold at the top) or cold spots? It usually indicates that sludge is preventing water from circulating efficiently around the system.
The thermostat and the boiler communicate with each other regarding temperature.
You set the desired temperature and when the thermostat senses the temperature has been reached, it tells the boiler to stop heating. If the boiler doesn’t receive this message it continues working unnecessarily and likely to increase your energy bills.
Sludge can move around the central heating system clogging moving parts within the circulation pump or in the two/three-way motorized valves.
The best way to cure this problem is with a system PowerFlush.
Indicators that suggest a PowerFlush is needed?
- Your radiator has cold spots.
- Black, or brown rust-colored water flowing in the heating system. (You can identify this by bleeding your system).
- Poor circulation.
- If you notice the boiler working for longer periods but the radiators are only lukewarm.
- No water running whilst bleeding some radiators.
In a typical CHS Powerflush process, a cleansing liquid is pumped under pressure (2 bars or less) through your radiators, pipes, and boiler to remove the sludge present. There is a strong indicator that once the CHS has been ‘cleansed’ it can contribute to lower energy bills?
If you’ve noticed any of the above, then call Serviceteam our qualified team of professional engineers will be able to advise and recommend the best way to tackle these common problems.
So far we have answered the question of why you need to have your system Powerflushed let’s now answer when.
The recommended time between Powerflushes is in the region of 5 – 6 years to keep your system in tip-top condition. Serviceteam recommends a Powerflush when you change your boiler, as a new boiler coming into contact with a ‘dirty’ system will prevent the boiler from performing to its maximum potential.
Our experienced engineers recommend that the newly fitted boiler is separated from the rest of the system during the Powerflush operation to prevent any debris from washing through it. If a Magnetic System Filter is fitted (it grabs metallic particles before entering the boiler) and can increase the time between Powerflushes to between 8-10 years.
Caring for your system by using the correct inhibitors will also help to keep your system running efficiently. This ‘invisible’ agent works tirelessly in the background adding to the cleaning process. Visit our blog for a complete guide on the Powerflush process!
After the clean
- Once completed the cleanliness of the water is tested using a testing kit.
- A quality inhibitor is introduced into the system.
- The radiators are bled to remove any trapped air.
- All radiators are checked to determine the correct temperature.
- Reset (if necessary) the boiler and thermostat temperature controls.
We highly recommend you engage a Gas-Safe engineer to undertake the task. Although many qualified plumbers will be able to complete a PowerFlush, they will not be qualified to touch anything gas related! It’s always best to check if the engineer is Gas Safe registered by asking to see their Gas-Safe ID. However, there is no such law that states “only a gas safe” engineer can complete a PowerFlush. In all cases, though a qualified professional will always be the preferred choice.
When is a good time to have a PowerFlush? Anytime really, summer or winter but usually you will be guided by your current heating situation. There are times throughout the year when heating is not so important (summertime) and a good time to get all those ‘niggling’ heating issues sorted.
Having read the above and believe you’re experiencing the problems outlined, you need help. Call serviceteam to book an appointment. An experienced engineer will visit to conduct a number of checks and diagnose the cause.
Is PowerFlush a Solution for Everything?
Although a PowerFlush is an effective way to keep your system running for longer and in tiptop condition, it WON’T cure every problem within your Central Heating System such as: –
- Leaks.
- Loss of pressure.
- Only hot water and no heating or vice versa.
If your boiler is really old the benefits of a PowerFlush may not be realized and the best option could be to replace it? If you are contemplating a new boiler then visit https://serviceteam.co.uk for more details. Our engineer will advise if this is the case or not.
System Care?
For regular updates on the condition of your CHS, it is advised to get your boiler serviced annually. During the visit, our engineer will take stock of the condition of your system and advise if any ‘minor’ fixes are needed before they become major. A neglected CHS can be costly in the long term.
Serviceteam’s extensive range of services covers all your domestic requirements from heating, plumbing, and electrical 24/7. Call to book your appointment or for a 5% discount use our online booking platform.