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How to fix Oven Problems

Most kitchen appliances are decent labor-saving devices, but one that stands out is the kitchen oven (gas/electric)

Unless you can completely survive on salads, and get the much-needed nutrition, vitamins minerals, etc. from them maybe you don’t need to use an oven so often?

For the carnivores amongst us, the thought of a kitchen without an oven is unthinkable!

Equally unthinkable is an oven that’s broken down! You come home from a day’s toil ravenous, looking forward to popping your pizza into the oven for 30 minutes and then tucking into that pepperoni thick-crust or deep-dish pizza accompanied with a glass of Pillastro. You switch on the oven pour yourself a glass of pre-dinner wine. You return, with your glass half full, stomach rumbling, but wait! the oven is still cold and nothing seems to be working, how frustrating is that?

Well, as a solution service team has appliance engineers who are only a phone call away to cope with your breakdown. In this particular article, we will be discussing some of the most common oven problems and how to fix them. Ok let’s get started.

Oven not heating up

Well, an oven not providing heat isn’t an oven at all, it’s just a ‘lump’ taking up useful kitchen space (currently). Therefore, it needs to be transformed from a ‘lump’ back into that lean mean cooking machine. The causes of this problem will vary from a gas or electric oven.
For example, with a gas oven, the ignition device might be faulty and needs changing?

Changing the ignitor is fairly straightforward. Disconnect the oven from the electrical supply, remove the screws that hold the cover plate over the ignitor, disconnect the quick release wire terminal attached to the ignitor, connect the new ignitor to the quick release terminal, insert the ignitor into the mounting block. Replace the ignitor cover plate and screws, restore the electrical power supply, and test.

With an electric oven, the process may be more complicated? It could be the heating element that has seen better days. If you’re not able to see if the heating element is glowing red hot it will indicate an element problem and will probably need replacing?

Erratic oven temperatures

Noticeable with partially or undercooked food. Strange, as you’ve set the temperature many times before with perfect results. It’s likely to be a problem in the oven’s temperature control facility and may need to refer to the manufacturer’s‘ troubleshooting‘ section in the appliance user manual. However, make sure you read the manual and troubleshooting section carefully, to fully understand the replacement procedure if you are thinking of attempting the repair yourself.

The oven door won’t shut

Try out the following steps first before calling the appliance engineer:

  • Unplug the oven from the electrical supply.
  • Check the hinges to see if any screws have loosened. Tighten them if they have.
  • See if there are any broken door springs. To see the door springs, slide out the bottom drawer.
  • With the help of pliers, remove any broken springs.
  • Check the gasket around the door. If broken replace it or just lose refit it.
  • If nothing seems to help, it could be the door sensor that has failed. This will need professional assistance to repair/replace it.

The oven doesn’t cook food evenly

If the oven is fan assisted, and many are, the heat should be balanced, consistent, and at an even temperature throughout the cooking process. Check if the fan is rotating with the oven on. If not the fan is faulty or the connection is?
Changing an oven fan is best left to the professionals to troubleshoot and fix the problem. Contact serviceteam to get your oven repaired now!